

The Consentz Academy

One of the biggest benefits of being a Consentz customer is that you have access to all of the learning resources that Consentz produces.The Consentz Academy helps you learn how to master clinic growth and productivity, now that you’re part of the Consentz family.


Memory Jog

Waiting List

Questionnaire Builder

Engage your patients

Treatment Notes


Business Report

Get to Know Your Company

The Academy complements the Dashboard, answering any questions you may have. Designed to be your business partner, it’s a resource that fully supports your business ambitions. The Academy is written in a clear, concise and jargon free style, so understanding your data has never been easier.


Have you ever struggled to understand financial information or business jargon, such as recency, reliance or retention rates? The Academy describes in everyday language what these terms (and many more…) mean and why they are relevant for improving your business performance.


Now you understand your numbers, but perhaps you’re not sure what to do next? The Academy provides clear guidance to help inform your next decision and then measures the impact. Continue or revise, Consentz is always supporting you.


Industry news on products, equipment launches, techniques and even mergers all feature in the Academy. Fresh information to help stimulate your learning and keep you up to date.

Business Report

Solutions to Problems

Learn how to get the most out of your Consentz with detailed explanations on its features and functions, answers to frequently asked questions and advice. No need to struggle to find answers, as they’re easy to find using the Academy’s search function.


Solve common issues quickly, with the Academy there to serve you, from how to set up new treatments to sharing photos with patients. Fast access to the information allows you to spend less time on a help line and more time with your patients.


Think there may be a better way of doing it? Discover time saving techniques, such as using pre-populated notes, or features like Treatment Plans that will give sharp improvements in your clinic’s sales.


Every screen is defined in the Academy – any time you’re not sure what a button does you can find the answerbefore pressing it, giving you peace of mind over the information that is important to you.

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