

Photos & Records

Spending more time on administration than treating patients? Say goodbye to time consuming record keeping, while still having good medical records. Consentz brings together all the tools needed for your photos and records – photography capture, editing, retrieval, consultation note taking and consent forms – into one clean process your clinicians will love.


Memory Jog

Waiting List

Questionnaire Builder

Engage your patients

Treatment Notes


Consentz Education

The Perfect Photography Toolset

Tedious photo taking and management is redundant. Consentz comes with an intuitive and comprehensive photography feature set that you and your patients will love.


Tools range from changing colours, font sizes and shading whole areas quickly, to recording and altering the quantities administered.


Have you ever struggled for accurate before and after photographs? Consentz’s ghosting feature allows you to precisely line up photographs so you get the very best comparisons.


Photographs can easily be selected from a carousel of all the patient’s images, which are time and date tagged for easy identification. A privacy feature can also be used to hide intimate photographs if required.


Plan for Future Treatments

Educate, advise and record all in the one place. The Consultation Tool allows you to have a structured and documented consultation, whether you’re feeling fresh or tired at the end of a long day.


Set up the schedule of treatments and intervals between treatments.


The Treatment Plan can the seen by the receptionist to make the necessary appointments.


Share completed Treatment Plans with a patient, either sending them a copy via email or directly to their mobile.

Consent Forms

Consent Forms

Informed consent is essential to all cosmetic medical treatments. Consentz makes this process both rigorous, comprehensive and easy to document. So you can spend the time discussing and informing the patient rather than chasing around for forms and pens. The signed consent forms can then be shared directly with the patient for total clarity.


Never have to find or print a consent form again. Ensure you always have full and informed consent. A library of consent forms is available for you to select, edit and approve.


Have you ever struggled for accurate before and after photographs? Consentz’s ghosting feature allows you to precisely line up photographs so you get the very best comparisons.


Photographs can easily be selected from a carousel of all the patient’s images, which are time and date tagged for easy identification. A privacy feature can also be used to hide intimate photographs if required.


Complete Photos and Records In Less Time

Always have fully documented consultations. With Consentz, create pre-populated consultation notes for each treatment saving you from rewriting the same text over and over again.


Pre-set all of your recurring consultation notes to avoid missing key critical elements in your consultation and ensure your records are always complete.


If you are pressed for time and end up making a medical record for a consultation over the course of a day simply keep editing the record. There is no need to make numerous records that relate to a single appointment.


To fully protect clinicians against any legal accusations of tampering of medical records it is not possible to delete a medical record once archived. All notes can be edited indefinitely until archived.

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