
Top 5 tips to looking after existing customers

1. Your existing customers are your most valuable asset. Don’t ignore them. It costs a lot of money to entice patients into your clinic. Think about how you can make your patients feel valued. Simple things like monthly newsletters with offers on can help.

2. Look after your best patients.
Don’t you love it when you get treated well by one of your suppliers? It may a training course, a meal out, some extra product to help you with a promotion. Everyone loves to be treated. Is there something you could offer your best patients that will make them feel important to you? Maybe a free massage or facial before Christmas, a free eye cream with their next treatment.

3. Look after your most difficult patients.
We all have our “heart-sink” patients. We can never make them happy, they complain constantly (maybe for good reason). How do we deal with these patients?
Go out of your way to listen to their concerns. If a patient feels that you care and are listening they may be more willing to work with you to find a solution.
Try not let the situation escalate. Even if you feel the patient is unreasonable, it may be worth offering an alternative treatment as a freebie, or even refunding them. Sometimes it is possible to turn a difficult patient into a good patient. Sometimes it is better to just say goodbye and part on reasonable terms. This brings me into the next tip…

4. Protect your online reputation.
It is so disheartening when you work so hard and truly care about your patients, and find a nasty review about you or your clinic. These poor reviews can be very damaging. Try to limit this from happening by being very careful with disgruntled patients. Even if you feel you have to go above and beyond to make them happy, it may be worth it in the long run.

5. Try not let your patients leave without booking in for another appointment.
It is very easy to let patients leave at the end of the appointment without getting another appointment in the diary. The vast majority of people don’t mind booking in for their next appointment, in fact, it helps with their diary management and means that it is less likely they will forget. Having regular bookings for your treatments means that you will build your clinic faster.

We hope you found this useful. If you have any questions or ideas, why not get in touch – We would love to hear from you.

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