

Going Paperless – the Time is Now


Spending more time on administration than treating patients? Around 2,500 years ago, ancient Greek physician Hippocrates used pen and papyrus to record medical records.[i] Whilst medicine and technology has advanced considerably since then, it is remarkable that for many of us, the practice of recording, filing and retrieving patient information has not. Surely there is a more efficient way of working?


Changing to a digital system can completely transform a business. Consentz practice management software is able to run a clinic’s entire operation and management, covering all areas from patient scheduling, medical questionnaires, consultations, consent forms, before and after treatment plans, patient aftercare notes, stock management, invoicing and reporting. This provides practitioners and clinic owners with more time to build patient relationships and grow their business.


Why now?


Coming in May this year, is the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), which among other things, will require practitioners to know where all their patient records are at all times.[ii] This is just about possible with a constantly, tightly, managed paper system, but it is considerably easier to comply when using a high-quality medical digital platform.


This month’s Aesthetics Journal includes a feature by Dr Brian Franks on how to transition from paper medical records to digital with Consentz. You can read the full article here: via issuu.com


Get in touch to discover how Consentz can help your business (contact@www.consentz.com)



[i] Richard F. Gillum, From Papyrus to the Electronic Tablet: A Brief History of the Clinical Medical Record with Lessons for the Digital Age, The American Journal of Medicine, <http://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(13)00398-7/fulltext>

[ii] Martin Swann, ‘Getting Ready for GDPR’, Aesthetics journal, July 2017. <https://aestheticsjournal. com/feature/getting-ready-for-gdpr>

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