

Top Tips to Ensure an Effective Consultation – Part 2

In our last post we looked at how to engage patients as they first enter the clinic. Now we’re going to focus on the consultation room itself.

The first thing to highlight is the experience of the practitioner, as it adds gravitas and encourages faith in their abilities. It also puts the client at ease. It is also worth noting if the clinician has written any papers or articles on the procedure, or if they sit on any panels or boards, again this demonstrates their authority within the sector.

It’s also worth garnering a real understanding of their patient and their measures of success. At this point, it’s worth understanding what it is they do, so will the surgery affect their day to day life? Perhaps breast augmentation with a sizeable implant might cause issues for someone with a job that requires lots of movement. It might be that the client will require a lot of downtime that their lifestyle can ill afford at the time, for example, they may have young children who need full-time care. All of this needs to be fully interrogated and discussed. At this stage, full scope of the patient’s ambitions for the final result need to be noted and can be captured using Consentz.

Having a conversation around motivation for the procedure is another valuable part of the consultation. It helps to unpick their reasoning and how well informed they are about the treatment/surgery. It also provides an insight into any areas where he/she might need some assurance on any concerns they might have.

Some key questions might include:

–      What prompted you to come and see us?

–       What do you envisage is involved in the surgery/procedure?

–       Do you know of anyone within your family/friend network who has had the surgery/procedure?

–       When are you looking to progress?

It’s worth trying to build rapport here on an emotional level whilst remaining professional.  Wear the patients’ jacket and try and understand what they might be feeling in that moment that will convince them that the practice is invested in their journey.

A key thing is to then outline the next stage, this way you can garner some level of commitment from the patient. It’s key to give them as much collateral as possible to aid with their decision making and to demonstrate you want to allow them time to consider things at home where they can discuss the consultation with their loved one/s.

Let them know you’d like to follow up within a certain timeframe and look to book in a follow-up call for a particular date and time. All of this information can be captured using Consentz, so the entire practice is across the next steps as well and can diarise accordingly. This way the call isn’t missed.

Front of mind when it comes to the consultation is that every touch point is well-honed and nurtured so it converts into a procedure. Using a software provider like Consentz will certainly aid with the process, supported by a variety of other tactics as discussed to ensure the patient buys into the clinic and commits to treatment.

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